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Monday, April 26, 2010

Sweet potato shreds

Sweet potato shreds ('Ratalyacha khees' in Marathi language): This dish, popular in the western Indian region of Maharashtra, has a nice blend of spicy and sweet flavors. It is mainly prepared during fasts.

Serves: 2


- bowl of peeled and shredded sweet potatoes
- 1 tsp cumin seeds.
- 1 tbsp of ground roasted peanuts (peanut powder).
- 2-4 green chillies (finely chopped).
- Salt.
- tbsp of ghee (clarified butter).
- 1 tbsp of grated coconut.
- 1 tbsp of finely chopped cilantro.


- Heat the ghee in a non-stick pan.
- Once the ghee is hot, put in the cumin seeds and cook till the seeds sputter.
- Put chillies and fry them for a couple of minutes.
- Put in the mixture of peeled and shredded sweet potatoes.
- Cover with a lid and cook on medium heat till the potato shreds are tender.
- Once the potatoes are cooked, put in the peanut powder and salt. Mix well.
- Without covering, cook the mixture for a few minutes.
- Remove in a serving bowl and garnish with coconut and cilantro.

**** You can also use Yams instead of sweet potatoes.

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